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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  January 14, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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month when it comes to those morning lows so we have this freeze warning in effect for the north bay, east bay and the south bay and we can't even rule pockets of ice down here especially with those temperatures dipped into the 20s. we'll likely have isolated 20s in the north bay, also back from the tri-valley and even into santa clara valley and then there's a frost advisory that continues in effect near the bay. it will get cold. you'll have to do some scraping on the windshield. not as cold as those interior valleys with temperatures in the 30s. with some of this unusual weather you want to watch out for icy patches, hard to see in the morning hours. the most important to leave plenty of distance between you and the car in front of you. typically three times the amount of stopping distance that it would normally take on a very dry and also warm road and watch those overpasses and bridges. those are the first to freeze over. i have your full forecast coming up. >> in san jose hundreds of seniors facing the chilly days
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and nights about a basic necessity talk iing about hot water. kris sanchez joins us live in san jose and how long have they been without hot water, chris kris? >> reporter: some since january 3. now they just got an update a couple hours ago from the management company and it sounds like the water coming out of the boiler is hot. it's 140 degrees but it's not making it to the apartments at that temperature. so now they're looking at the taps to see if there's a buildup problem. we watched gilda lewis run her tap more than five minutes before the water started to warm. she said it's been this way since january 3. the same story with her shower. she said that for some of her neighbors a cold shower isn't just shocking it's dangerous. >> they have walkers and scooters and have to have someone help them. >> reporter: ruby found herself lathered up when her shower ran cold on saturday night. >> i had to get out of the cold
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water. i know i'm going to get sick. >> reporter: the hot water would be shut off for a half hour this morning and that management would update the situation this afternoon. we were not allowed into that meeting but some of the folks inside tell us there were a lot of angry people. when we called the city of san jose an inspector was dispatched to the apartments because no hot water is a violation of city and state code. >> they can't bathe, they can't clean up the kitchen, the bathroom, and that could lead to all sorts of diseases, breeding and germs. >> reporter: in the case of no hot water, the management company gets 24 hours to fix the problem. in this case because there's some hot water, they'll get more time. >> the boiler company did provide them with a temporary boiler but there appear to be some other issues in some of the units where water -- hot water is not getting up to the unit itself. >> reporter: south lake towers spokesman told me employees are going door-to-door measuring the temperature at each tap and the
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boiler will be fixed within the next week or two. residents say they're not so sure. >> well, i'm a betting man. it will work two or three hours and go out again. >> reporter: residents expect another update from the management company tomorrow aft afternoon at 1:00. the city code enforcement department is expecting the same thing. by the way, we did check with the city code enforcement department. the management company here was cited in 2007 when they installed the boiler are for not having the proper paperwork. that has now been resolved but they have been crated for other code violations since then not related to the boil er. >> thank you, kris. new details on the big tree that came crashing down onto a home in the north bay and also knocked down a power pole. pg&e restored power to some people but still about 30 customers are in the dark right now. the saturated ground from our recent storms being blamed for this. the tree took out the entire
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second floor of the house. a neighbor heard and felt all the commotion. >> you feel the ground. quite literally, yeah. i didn't know what it was. >> pretty alarming just to look at the video. thankfully no one was hurt. a woman who was inside the home when it happened was on the first floor. >> let's take to you besrkeley. a very dangerous situation among claremont avenue right behind the famed hotel. a patch of black ice sent several vehicles spinning out and, of course, right into each other. one man slipped on the pavement while taking photographs of his damaged car. lu luckily no one was seriously hurt but seven cars were damaged in the chain reaction crash. police did put up flares and advised drivers to keep speeds under 5 miles an hour throughout the area. also in berkeley a potentially unstable hillside has now forced a berkeley lab to relocate some of its employees. several weeks of rain have
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create add muddy mess and destabilized the hillside. a professional photographer posted these photos on flickr. a geologist, surveyor and other personnel are now monitoring the hillside. >> we're doing borings right now to get an idea what the potential is. they're putting devices in the borings to tell us if there's deep-seated land movement. >> it is diverting run-off water away from the slide area. soil samples will help determine whether it needs a more permanent fix. you can always track our weather on our website, click onto the weather tab and then map and radar. there you'll be able to find our live radar 24 hours a day. >> new at 6:00 tonight, san jose's police department will soon have a new chief of police at least for the time being. city manager announced today that deputy chief larry escavelle is taking over as acting chief when chris mohr retires this week. he started his career in 1984 at
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the san jose reserve officer. this past year, though, he commanded the bureau of operation enduring freedo operation enduring freedo operatio operations. they are asking help to solve the crime. that call comes after a weekend where four people were killed and a total of 15 shot. city leaders demand add state of emergency be declared. jodi hernandez is at a news conference today as police responded to those demands. she joins us from city hall. jodi? >> reporter: jessica, the chief spent the day in meetings at city hall. he walked through neighborhoods talking to residents and answered questions from the press. he says, in his opinion, there is not a need to formally declare a state of emergency here in oakland but others say the city is clearly in crisis. >> it's worse than out of
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control. >> reporter: oakland vice mayor larry reid says he's appalled at the city's escalating violence. 15 shootings took place over the weekend leaving four people dead. reid and others say it's time for city leaders to put egos aside and ask the governor to declare a state of emergency. >> we've got to forget the pride some folks are hesitant asking for a state of emergency and asking the governor for help. for me, my pride will go out the window when it's about the safety of the residents of the city. >> there is no way you can do this in oakland now without more troops on the ground, so to speak. more resources. and that has to come from the governor. >> reporter: but observing's police chief says there's no need to make a formal request. he says they're already on 0 rating under a state of emergency. the department's getting help from the chp and 15 alameda county sheriff's deputies will soon be hitting the streets. plus, he says, any hope that would come would be a short-term
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fix. >> and if you look at the sta e statute and the state of emergency, the longest we would have those officers, we did did all the stuff, is seven days. okay? seven days and it has to be renewed by the governor for an additional 30 days. >> reporter: martin says he doesn't know what the answer is but he knows firsthand the impact of the violence. his 15-year-old daughter was shot and killed less than two months ago. >> it's been hard and i'm still grieving my daughter's death on november 25th. it's amplified like 1,000 times in my heart and my gut and my head. >> and people shouldn't have to feel like animals living behind bars on their windows and bars on their doors and afraid to go outside and walk a the streets. that is utterly insane. >> reporter: again, 15 people
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shot over the weekend. four of them dying from their gunshot wounds. now the police chief says that they have determined that two groups are responsible for the majority of the recent violence. he says that he has identified those groups and focused on bringing them to justice but, again, as of now there are no plans to formally ask the governor to declare a state of emergency here. reporting live in oakland, i'm jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. still ahead at 6:00, a falling apple. the report that turned silicon valley's biggest winner into a loser on wall street today. >> and a billion dollar plan to bring back the salmon. the costly effort to save the endangered fish in the north bay. plus -- >> so this idea that they're krit siding al gore and i would do business with arabs is really quite remarkable. >> he and al gore managed to pull off a worldwide mega media deal in our own backyard. why the controversy selling
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current it tv with al jazeera. i'm marianne favro. a new super gel may repair damaged cartilage. researchers say it may help you avoid certain surgeries.
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governor brown is getting high marks. a report release this had morning applauding the plan especially in the face of economic risks and pressures. the emphasis on fiscal policy sets the state back on the right track. went on to say the budget's weak ms. is that it will fall short of rainy day funds in 2016 and fails to address the retirement system for teachers and state retiring health benefits.
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brown unveiled his budget plan last thursday. he's expected to speak at san jose state. new signs that apple's iphone 5 isn't selling as well as expected. they sent the stock price tumbling. an early morning report in "the wall street journal" says apple cut orders for iphone parts because of slow sales. briefly dropping the stock below $500 a share are for the first time since last february. the companies make parts for the iphone 5 like qualcomm lost ground. apple isn't commenting on the report. facebook shares on the other hand have been climbing and they have more news to roll out tomorrow morning, no details on this. we're going to find out, quote, what we're building. rolling out everything from a new phone to a new search product. our business and tech reporter scott budman, of course, will be at facebook headquarters in menlo park tomorrow. attention all you weekend warriors, all those years of running and shooting hoops and
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jumping may take a toll on your knees and the cartilage that surrounds it. up until now there was little that could be done to repair that damage. so you have a super substance? >> that's exactly what it is. hydro gel. it feels like jell-o and can repair damaged cartilage and some knee patients can return to the sports they love. runners off complain of knee problems and every year about 750,000 people get artificial knee replacements in the u.s. because they have bad knee cartilage. that's according to the american academy of orthopedic surgeons. now a jell-o like substance may change that called hydro gel and it can jump-start cartilage growth. >> it really helps the cartilage, the new cartilage grow by providing an environment where the cartilage feels comfortable and feels like they
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can produce actual cartilage instead of scar tissue. >> dr. larry gold studied a small group of patients with damaged cartilage. most of them tried the new hydro gel. patients still had to undergo an outpatient procedure allowing tiny holes to be drilled in their bone beneath the cartilage. the hydro gel was applied. as a result healthy cartilage grows instead of scar cartilage. >> you have a repair that is more like the native cartilage. it will last longer. it will perfeorm better, the patient will be able to tolerate more weight bearing activity without pain. >> reporter: because the cartilage can last five years instead of one or two with the current approach, the new procedure may spare patients from undergoing a second cartilage repair or knee replacement surgery. larger studies are now need ed o determine if hydro gel is safe long term and if it is, it could
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be available to patients in just a few years. the fda must also approve hydro gel before it would be widely available to patient. marianne favro, nbc bay area news. after years of decline, the number of endangered are rebounding in marin, one of the last places in california where the fish return each year. nbc bay area's joe rosato jr. shows us the federal effort to try to save them from extinction. >> reporter: on the golf course in west marin county, golfers share the seventh hole with wild salmon. a fish ladder lends a helping hand to them in the watershed who struggles reflect the plight of californians. >> his ttorical records show us half a million in the 1940s. a few years ago we had less than 500 return in all of the watersheds. >> reporter: this is one of the few places in california where they still return every year. it was here today federal
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officials announced the new plan to try and restore their numbers. >> it is identifying the types of things that we need to occur for the species to recover from its current state near extinction. >> reporter: the plan calls for sweeping changes to santa cruz, aimed at protecting fragile habitats along creeks and streams. >> it identifies the types of things that need to be done in the watersheds such as reducing sed imts, adding woody debris for fish habitat. >> reporter: but environmentalists in marin say the voluntary plan lacks the teeth to force change. >> you can still cut down virtually all the trees right next to the stream. you can put a patio right next to the stream. these are just deaths by 1,000 and that's why the fish are on the verge of extinction. >> reporter: todd steiner wants marin county to pass the strong ordinance prohibiting development along salmon
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habitats. marin county supervisor steve kinsey says the idea is too h harsh. >> i think a moratoriums are the wrong way to go. we need to educate and incentivize, be partners with landowners and we're doing that. >> it restoration efforts could cost more than a billion dollars. state leaders estimate small steps will go a long way. >> i think along our north coast it's possible to bring them back within a generation. >> jeff ranieri in the weather center, it is sure chilly outside. >> we've been talking about this three and four days. one of the colder days, daytime highs in parts of the east bay not getting out of the 40s. look at this. 49 for your daytime high in livermore. 45 in los gatos. up to 53 and 55 in santa rosa. what does it look like? from the 40s back into the
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tri-valley, 36 in napa. reading in the low 40s but that particular one in the mid-30s, 45 currently in downtown san jose. let's get you outside to our live sky camera network on this very brisk monday evening and you can see visibility is pretty much unlimited. i don't remember the last time i saw the sky camera sparkle like that. let's bring you up into the north bay. that's where we'll have ice. some grace visibility up into san rafael. be careful when you are doing traveling. we have the freeze warning. to get back to my weather maps for the north bay, the east bay and the south bay yet again with widespread 30s and also isolated 20s. here is the problem. the jet stream is sitting in just about the same spot it was two to three days ago so all the cold air associated with it hasn't gone any are where. it's trapping a lot of the west coast with these below average
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temperatures that will continue the next 24 hours and as we mentioned some very slick roadways for your morning committee. some low 30s by 8:00 a.m. low to mid-50s. on the three-day forecast, some gradual warming by thursday. raj and jess, when we could have a few mid-60s. that's not hot but, i don't know, it's a little bit warmer. >> that's hugely hot. thanks, jeff. we'll see you shortly. back in action. the first chance to watch the sharks at the shark tent. also, new details tonight regarding the miss tysterious d of hollywood star natalie wood. why the original autopsy is now being questioned. [ crickets chirping ]
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[ traffic passing ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ]
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the national park service has sprayed new graffiti on a federal landmark, sort of. the alcatraz water tower has a message written in large red
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letters that reads peace and freedom. welcome home of the free indian land. that proclamation first painted on the tower in 1969 when the prison 0 closed and native americans moved in for a two-year occupation. native americans were among the original occupiers helped repaint that message after the tower was redone. cold outside and cold inside. just the way they like it. crews started installing the ice, take a look, at the pavilion today. the lines and the logos. they paint it right on there. the season finally starts after that long lockout. it starts this weekend when the sharks play in calgary. it's their first game. they'll play sunday in calgary. after four months without hockey most everyone is thrilled. >> it's almost like coming back to school when a sport like this starts. all the people you're familiar with, the players, the fans. they all come back and, unfortunately, that's been
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delayed this year. we're looking forward to one getting the ice in and getting it finished and having everybody back here on the 24th. >> and, yes, january 24th is when the sharks take on the phoenix coyotes. tickets go on sale wednesday at 10:00 a.m. the hb pavilion will be using numbered wrist band systems, handed out between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. for the first in line at 9:00. still ahead, debt ceiling deja vu. from social security to interest rates, the president lays down the law and the cuts that could be coming our way. but is the situation as dire as they make it? a somber anniversary in newtown as parents mark one month since their children were killed. their new proposal today and the unthinkable has happened again. a brutal gang rape in india that started with just a bus ride next in "world tonight." also, he used to shoot with his gun.
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now this former cop uses his camera to shoot 49ers games.
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welcome back. now if you thought the doomsday scenarios were bad under the fiscal cliff, just wait for what's coming next. >> the debt ceiling talks are under way. president obama warns the dire consequences if congress fails to raise our borrowing limits. in tonight's reality check, sam brock explains why most people should just take a deep breath. sam? >> raj, it would be therapeutic if nothing else. there is certainly little refuting the failure to raise the debt ceiling would send shock waves through the economy both national and global. that being said, president obama only fanned the flames today painting a picture of government catastrophe based on the facts seems a bit trumped up. >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states.
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>> reporter: in the first press conference of his second term, president obama wasted little time scaring the day lights out of millions of americans who rely on government paychecks for one service or another, of the consequences of a u.s. default. >> may not be able to pay our troops or honor our contracts with small business owners. food inspectors, air traffic controllers, specialists who track down nuclear materials wouldn't get their paychecks. >> reporter: the president's statement is speculative and not true because, frankly, no one knows what programs will be short changed if the u.s. can't meet its payment obligations. it's never happened before. but here is what we do know courtesy of the bipartisan policy center. if congress fails to raise the debt ceiling the government can spend only what it received in daily revenues each day. those revenues won't cover about 40% of government debt obligations for the month. the treasury would have to pick and choose between more than 100 million monthly payments to figure out which ones to cover.
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the only payment virtually guaranteed is the interest on our debt, which brings us to our next fact check. >> if congressional republicans refuse to pay americans' bills on time, social security checks and veterans benefits will be delayed. >> reporter: something social security payments may seem like a hostage in all of this but they don't have to be. the truth is social security has its own dedicated income stream with a reserve of trillions of dollars invested in u.s. treasury bonds. those bonds can be without raising our national debt. bottom line, the government chooses, social security checks can continue to flow. lastly, the president began his address with this declare tiff statement. >> raising the debt ceiling does not authorize more spending. it simply allows the country to pay for spending that congress has already committed to. >> reporter: the statement is true. while the debt ceiling enhances our ability to spend, federal budget resolutions originate
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where the congress must ultimately approve them. what will happen if the congress doesn't move to raise the debt ceiling? there's two possible scenarios. the government waits until it has enough money to pay all its obligations for a single day and then it sends out payments late or, two, it can pick and choose winners until the situation gets resolved. president obama's warning of a near total government shutdown is untrue. sam brock, nbc bay area news. some good insight there. president obama also addressed gun control. he wants universal background checks and a ban on assault rifles. nbc bay area's janelle wang has more in our world tonight. tomorrow vice president joe biden is expected to bring similar recommendations to the president. biden was acy signed to head a task force following the sandy hook massacre. today marks one month since the shooting in newtown. 20 students and six educators,
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many of the victims' parents gathered today to announce the formation of the sandy hook promise. the mission, to honor the 26 lives lost. it also calls for open discussion on gun ownership, mental health and the safety of america's children. >> this is a promise we make to our precious children because each child, every human life, is filled with promise and though we continue to be filled with unbearable pain we choose love, belief, and hope instead of anger. >> at this time organizers of the group say they're not taking sides in the debate but will in the future. overseas a second brutal gang rape in india. the victim another bus passenger. police have arrested seven suspects accused of attacking a 29-year-old woman on friday night. authorities say the bus driver refused to drop her off at her requested stop and instead took her to an isolated building where he and six others took turns raping her. the woman survived the attack
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and called police. another woman was gang raped and viciously beaten while riding a bus in new delhi. the u.s. says it will help in the fight against islamist militants in malia. france has deployed hundreds of traps to stop militants with ties to al qaeda from taking over the country. the u.s. plans to provide communications and transportation help. today anywnato officially welco the military action. the defense department released a grim report today, at its highest levels since 2001. another 110 are suspected suicides bringing the total to near 350. that number is actually higher than the number of combat deaths in afghanistan last year. the pentagon says a report shows the severe strains of more than a decade of fighting in iraq and afghanistan. u.s. troops left iraq in late 2011 and most of the remaining soldiers in afghanistan will be returning home by the end of
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2014. jessica? >> thank you, janel. three decades after natalie woods' death, a coroner's review is raising questions about bruises found on her body. wood died in 1981 while on a yacht trip off catalina island with her husband, robert wagner, and then co-star christopher. her death was originally ruled an accidentally drowning. but her family spent years demanding review of the evidence. the result, a ten-page report in which the cause of her death was changed to drowning and other undetermined factors. they're still not calling it a homicide but fresh bruises on her upper right arm and left wrist. the medical examiner says they likely occurred before she went into the water. there was speculation there had been an argument on the boat. san francisco's current tv is on the air tonight but it won't be for long. the plug will soon be pulled. and a controversial and big money deal, the two owners of current tv sold their network to
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al jazeera. many people turn to al jazeera for quality journalism. others think the middle east based network is anti-american. whatever your belief, al jazeera is now coming to the united states and its airwaves thanks to former vice president al gore and his business partner joel hyatt. they've been heavily criticized, but why and by whom? here now the interview with joel hyatt. >> i don't quite get this. we're going to rip that off. they look the same to me. >> there's a good chance you've never seen or heard of joel h h hyatt. >> that's a great idea. >> reporter: until now. the unassuming multimillionaire has pulled off a deal along with his business partner, former vice president al gore, that has shocked the media world. >> with the headlines from al jazeera -- >> we studied very hard what al jazeera was doing around the world and that we would be comfortable with it. al jazeera is carried on 0 israel's satellite system.
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and if the israeli public is comfortable l learning what can be learned from al jazeera, i think the american public will learn they will be as well. >> reporter: gone is san francisco bay's current tv, a groundbreaking network that never really got off the ground, but hyatt and gore soared selling current for a reported $500 million to al jazeera network, a tv network financed by the oil-rich kcountry of qatar. in his first interview since the deal was announced hyatt is proud, reflective and a little agita agitated. >> some of the press has been negative. i will say highly hypocritical. it's been fox news and "the wall street journal," both of which are owned by news corp. the second largest owner is the saudi royal family. so this idea that they're criticizing al gore and i would do business with arabs is quite remackable when they don't disclose their company is owned in significant part by arabs.
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>> but this is just sleazy, al. this is disgraceful. >> is it ironic for you, or disingenuous that your friend and partner, al gore, would sell to a company, a broadcast network, funded basically by oil? >> not at all. again, i get the sort of easy shot -- >> you see where people are coming from? >> of course. here is what i know. both al and i, to a much greater extent al, has had extensive conversation cans with al jazeera about the issue of climate change and we actually believe they're going to do a very good job covering this issue in a way, by the way, the united states press does not. >> reporter: you've been around the block. you know the public perception here in the united states of al jazeera is negative. were you prepared for any sort of criticism that you are tanging? >> i evaluate that had carefully and at the end of the day, raj, what i believed was it was clear that those who know are very
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impressed with al jazeera and with the high quality of professional journalism it does. those who don't know have a bias based on their lack of knowledge. but think about that. i mean, ignorance breeds bias, breeds all kinds of problems in the world. and the whole point of journalism is to provide the information to the people who don't know so that they can become people who do and al and i didn't want to base the decision on those who don't know and the uninformed biases they may have. >> you had an all hands meeting at current. how did that go? transition is always difficult. >> i think it went very well. and, frankly, i think the new leadership is responsible for that. the fact is the staff was really eager to hear what the new leadership had to say and they were very, very good. >> any disappointment in curr t
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current? >> sure. you always have disappointments about things we would have liked to achieve but didn't. we were never able to bring the large scale resources necessary to compete. and this is the real lesson to me. the media industry requires large scale resources. >> al jazeera be able to move forward? >> absolutely. and they're going to be able to do the marketing we couldn't afford to do. i think it will make a very big difference. >> it should be noted al jazeera says they do not plan on closing the san francisco facility. as for the dozens of bay area based employees, al jazeera says they'll have an opportunity to work for them. we've posted this segment on our website as well as our other high profile interviews. search the interview. still ahead, he's rewriting his story. lance armstrong and an apology. and good evening, i'm jeff ranieri in the weather center, we continue to track these dropping numbers already 36 in napa right now, the big chill there. 45 in san jose.
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all this cold weather has decreased our air quality. we'll talk more about how long this weather trend lasts coming up in a few minutes.
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a tell-all to oprah. lance armstrong admitted to doping to oprah. he gave a limited confession about his use of performance enhancing drugs. the associated press is reporting the 41-year-old armstrong apologized to livestrong staffers for all the stress they've endured because of him. he left the cancer awareness campaign after doping allegations led to officials stripping him of his seven tour de france titles and banning him
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from all future races. the interview with armstrong will air this thursday on the own network. let's turn things over to jess and talk about the next couple of days. >> a little bit. a warm-up is all relative, right? >> we'll have 60s coming our way and where it feels like 32 degrees right now at 6:43 coming up in a few minutes. >> brr. that is cold. all right. coming up in sports, the big win for the 49ers at the stick this weekend but the celebration is over and time to get back to work. we'll hear from the niners as they look ahead. a return trip to the nfc title game and the atlanta falcons is next. whatever you're in the mood for, sizzler's endless salad bar has over 50 delicious choices. soups, salads, appetizers, and more starting at $8.99 for lunch. sizzler. where fresh is fun.
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secondhand smoke affects unch. everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it.
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short sleeved weather coming our way. >> beautiful sunshine. here it comes. >> i didn't quite say short sleeves -- well, 60s is a pretty good warm-up. >> compared to what we've had. >> thermal underwear now and maybe some short sleeves coming our way in that seven-day forecast. let's get a look at where it does feel like 32 degrees. that is good enough to drop
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those numbers right here to 32 in napa, pulling all of that moisture away from your body, the wind that is, and that's where you get the windchill. 39 in fair field, 40 in san jose and 44 currently in sunnyvale. freeze warning has not changed from the past three days. we've been locked in the freezer since about thursday of last week and we're going to see those critical areas in the north bay, east bay and also for the south bay, and this is where if you have not been covering up those plants, you'll likely have some damage and potentially even some crop damage throughout southern california when all is said and done before we start to warm up. let's get a look, though, as we head throughout tomorrow morning. we'll see some areas of ice on the roads, throughout the east bay hills and the north bay hills and even back to the santa cruz mountains. plenty of distance between you and the car in front of you. break slowly to avoid skidding and, remember, doing any traveling over the bridges or the overpasses, though are the first to freeze. let's get you outside.
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we have clear visibility tonight down in the santa clara valley and let's bring you up into san francisco. it is brilliant tonight. even for san francisco standards this is very cold. the next 48 hours we do have that mild air, maybe some short sleeved weather coming our way in the forecast eventually, all that mild air is out here. here is the problem of it. the jet stream has not budged since thursday of last week. the polar air pulling on down here way up from canada sitting right across california not only for northern california but down to mexico as we were mentioning last week. without this budging throughout tomorrow, we are going to start off with the numbers, the coldest in the north bay, also down to the south bay. one of the coldest santa rosa at 27. 26 in napa. 28 in livermore. 33 in san jose. 25 in gilroy. gilroy could even feel like the upper teens with the wind. that 25 in gilroy is going to be
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about ten degrees or more below your averages and here is just a little factoid, not nearly the coldest january day we've ever seen. that was 18 degrees back in 1963. yes, it has been coldy, but this is chilly for our standards. the sun throughout the entire day. 54 in palo alto. the east bay will struggle to get out of the 40s. 62 in livermore. san francisco 63. the jacket up up into santa rosa. there was some gradual warming. mid-60s. that's going to increase temperatures by about ten degrees here for the greater bay area and it's just in time for your weekend so shorts,
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flip-flops. >> 64. >> spf 30. >> go all out as we had head into the upcoming weekend. >> thank you, jeff. >> you're welcome. >> the 49ers are the talk of the town just like the old days. a monster win over the packers. sure surely you saw the game. colin kaepernick with a record setting effort, leading them to the win. what does it all mean? this sunday now in atlanta against the falcons the winner advances to the super bowl in new orleans. some of the biggest moments c captured from saturday's game came from a former cop who traded a new sidearm for a lens. sitting down with tony on the sidelines at candlestick. it turns out he has good aim on both. >> reporter: on weekends you'll find tony medina on the sidelines focused on the game. >> you get real good at seeing the big picture through a little
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square. i don't know how else to describe it. now it's instinctual. >> reporter: many might envy his second office. it was the photographer's well during the world series win last fall. >> it truly is just a blessing to be there. you can't take it for granted. >> reporter: and on sunday there he was zooming in on the niners' exciting playoff win. >> it was electric. on third down when the packers had the ball on third down, it was the loudest i've heard it since a real, real positive and loud environment. >> medina freelances for getting images, icon sports media and the santa clara weekly. there was actually a time medina had a gun attached to his hip, not a camera. he was a police officer and firefighter for the sunnyvale department of public safety.
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>> the structure fire -- >> an injury forced him out of the force so me dina pursued hi second passion, photography. you want to cheer but at the same time you want to capture the moment and that's the real important thing. you really keep focused on watching something great. the ball right in front of you and you're there to document it. >> reporter: nbc bay area news. bring in jim k 0 ozemore and i could have sworn, jim, between me and you i saw this one over here kaepernicking in the newsroom. >> unbelievable. i'm going to get at that last guy with his camera getting a shot that have and throw that up on twitter. we're going to get everyone taking a look at that. let's get ready for sports today. everyone is kaepernick iing.
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the 49ers a win away from the super bowl and, well, they got to win on the road in order to p punch their ticket. the 49ers only have one thing on their minds this week. >> jim harbaugh did did not want to talk about much else other than the atlanta falcons. in his first press conference leading up to the nfc championship, and that's completely understandable. as atlanta is a team harbaugh has yet to face as a 49ers head coach. >> that's the relevant thing is, you know, preparing for the atlanta falcons defense. they do an excellent job, getting to know them is, you know, that's where our focus is. we haven't played them. it's a task, a challenge to understand what they're doing. >> reporter: offensively they have three of the league's top 20 receivers, tony gonzalez,
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roddy white and jones. white alone has 18 captains for 369 yards and two touchdowns and three career games and three wins against the 49ers. >> they put together a tremendous, tremendous receiving unit. you can't pay too much attention to just one guy because several can hurt you. and they're good. they're coming off of the game that gives them a lot of momentum but solid in every regard. show that they could run the ball against a very good run defense and make a lot of plays on the perimeter. >> reporter: the 49ers have played four nfc championship games on the road since 1970 and have only won one of them and that was back in 1988, a game harbaugh remembers well as he was a backup quarterback for
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chicago when the 49ers beat them 24-3. it's a result he hopes to repeat as head coach sunday against the falcons. in santa clara mindy bock, nbc bay area. all right, mindy, thank you very much. it's not only the players and coaches who put the past weekend's big win over green bay in the rear-view mirror, earlier i spoke with the ceo jen york who says while getting to this week's title game is great, the 49ers have unfinished business. >> tonight they play in the nfc championship game. the goal is to win super bowls and we have a very, very big roadblock in front much of us and it will be hard to get through it. >> the best record in the nfc this season. especially tough on their home turf with one loss at the georgia dome this year. 30-28 comeback win over seattle. gave atlanta the first playoff win with the last four tries. the falcons aren't satisfied either.
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>> our goals and expectations are higher than one playoff game. as a team and as an organization, so it ought to be a fun football game and our focus has to go to the 49ers. >> let's hit the diamond with less than a month. they report to spring training, good news today for the man leaving the gold and green. the two-year contract extension with oakland. the deal now takes him to the 2016 season. melvin was voted manager of the year in 2012 after leading the a's to the a.l. west crown. >> who will not be representing his country, the "san francisco chronicle" saying buster posey will not be on team usa. instead, he will remain with the giants throughout spring
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training. vogelsong will pitch for team usa. jeremy affeldt will also be wearing the red, white and blue. should be a very exciting week for the 49er fans out there. kaepernicking. kaepernicking. >> we'll be right back.
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and that's going to do it for us. >> have a great evening. >> bundle up.
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>> we're at the golden globes with "extra." >> we're here with "extra." >> with "extra." >> now on "extra" -- ben strikes ar-gold. jackman's "extra" victory dance. jodie, what did she just say show-stopper? >> i'm going to put it out there, loud and proud. >> you watch "extra"? >> i tune into you. >> it's the golden globes "extra" style, mario and maria fighting over jessica chastain. >> the fight for jessica! >> i'm going to remember this. >> jerry and maria fighting over bryan cranston. >> look at you. >> look at you! >> look at her! >> and anne hathaway's first interview about her hush-hush wedding. adele, megan and claire talking babies. >> how did you just had a baby? >> i'm very strapped in. >> the back plunging, jaw dropping gowns. who was decked out in close to $6 million in diamonds? "instyle's" hal rubens


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